Just For Today’s Reading

“The process of coming to believe restores us to sanity. The strength to move into action comes from this belief.” -Basic Text, p. 25

I found some inspiration from the Just For Today book titled “God Could Restore Us To Sanity”. It freaked me out because we were discussing it today and it’s EXACTLY how I felt yesterday.

I made a Facebook status last night that said, “It’s okay. I get lonely, too” referring to my loneliness of not being able to go to bars and such. The part that really got me in the book was when it said, “Maybe we’ve gotten carried away with our credit cards; but sanity returns when we admit defeat and cut them all up. Perhaps we’ve been feeling lonely and want to go visit our old using buddies.” It’s so accurate, it scares me. I see pictures on Facebook of people holding drinks and going to bars, etc. I’ll admit, it get’s lonely and a bit frustrating because I can’t do that anymore. It’s not that I can’t; it’s because I don’t want to. I know that if I pick up, I’ll die. It’s bad enough that I have a spending problem on top of it, which is my way of replacing one addiction with another. It’s scary shit.

The point I’m trying to make is “hey, it’s okay. I get lonely, too. We all do.” But we have to remember that we are NEVER alone in this world. We feel these crazy things and we get insecure and paranoid when in the end, we have to realize hey, we’re all human. We fuck up. Shit happens. But yeah. I just wanted to share this with you guys because I love you all very much and I hope you find some sort of inspiration from this 🙂

Just For Today: I thank the God of my understanding for each sane act in my life, for I know they are indications of my restoration to sanity.

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